May 10, 2017


Initial Target
Storm Intercepts
Galesburg, IL
Springfield, IL 2:15 PM 5/10/2017
Springfield, IL 7:15 PM 5/10/2017
Brimfield, IL
0 mph
Shelf Cloud


Warm front setup in central IL. Targeted west of Peoria for potential discrete prefrontal initiation ahead of squall. Was briefly on small discrete cell before encroaching line overran storm. Noted pretty skies with rainbows and sunset storms back at home.

Crew and Equipment

Solo chase. Equipment: Sony FDR-AX100.




May 10 was shaping up to be a significant tornado setup in the Southern Plains. However, I was a few days out from joining Brindley, Anton, and John for year two of our tornado research project. I'd be stuck playing local setups until we were ready to depart. A warm front was draped across Illinois with a squall moving out of Iowa into Illinois. I hoped to catch a prefrontal disrete storm ahead of the line west of Peoria.

Updraft Base
2 miles W of Brimfield, IL
5:38 PM
A small cell was crossing 74 near Brimfield and I moved in under the base. The updraft base and precipitation core were nicely separated, but the cell didn't organize beyond that. I could see the shelf cloud of the encroaching line looming low contrast in the distance. When it arrived, the tornado chase would be effectively over.

Encroaching Shelf
2 miles W of Brimfield, IL
5:48 PM
The shelf cloud surged in from the west.

Shelf Cloud
2 miles W of Brimfield, IL
5:49 PM
Here is your typical Midwest chase ruiner.

7:52 PM
The prettiest skies of the day were waiting for me back at the house.

7:55 PM


No Illinois warm front magic on this chase, but it was worth a shot and the Southern Plains wound up not producing anything hugely photogenic so I wasn't missing out either.

Lessons Learned

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